NOTE: Toe should be adjusted by adjusting both tie rods, and only using an optical axle measuring device with gauge tool No. 3076, or equivalent.1. Wheels in straight ahead position
2. Steering gear centered
3. Install gauge tool in holes provided (tie rod carrier and top of steering gear) by moving steering wheel back and forth. (Two technicians required)
NOTE: For ease of illustration, the steering gear is shown removed.
4. Check whether steering wheel spoke is horizontal; reposition steering wheel if necessary.
5. Divide specified value for total toe by two, and adjust to achieve this value on both left. and right tie rods.
6. Secure tie rods.
7. Remove gauge tool.
8. Road test.
- Steering wheel spoke must be horizontal when driving straight ahead.
NOTE: If the steering wheel is slightly crooked during the test drive, correct with a uniform adjustment of the two tie rods.
- If the steering wheel spoke drops slightly to the right:
- Lengthen right tie rod slightly.
- Shorten left. tie rod by same amount.
- If necessary, check toe again.