Parking Brake System: Adjustments
^ Because the rear brakes adjust automatically, re-adjusting the parking brake is usually not necessary.
^ Adjust only if parking brake cables, brake calipers, brake disk and/or pads are replaced.
^ The adjusting nut is more accessible with the rear exhaust system heat shield removed
^ To adjust, use a suitable 10 mm deepwell socket with a flexible extension and ratchet
CAUTION: Always check the basic adjustment of the rear brakes first. Adjustments
1. Tighten adjustment nut until both levers at brake caliper barely lift off their stops -A- (two technicians required)
2. Turn adjusting nut (loosen) two turns
- Alternating between right and left sides, press parking brake cable levers against stops -A- using screwdriver.
- If pressing on one side causes the lever to be pulled away from the stop on the opposite brake caliper, parking brake cable is too tight.
- Loosen parking brake cable adjusting nut (arrow) until both levers lie against respective stops.
- Lower vehicle to ground and press brake pedal several times with engine not running.
- Apply parking brake, then release.
- Raise vehicle again and make sure both wheels rotate freely.