Secondary Air Injection (AIR) System, Overview
1 - Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM) -J220-
2 - Air cleaner
- Connection for intake air of Secondary Air Injection (AIR) pump
3 - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) pump motor -V101-
4- Connection
- Between air cleaner and secondary air injection pump
5 - Vacuum line
- Control line between Secondary Air Injection (AIR) solenoid valve -N112- and combination valves
6 - Connection tube
- From secondary air injection pump to combination valves
7 - Combination valves
- Located at rear of left and right cylinder heads
8 - Engine
9 - Right exhaust manifold
10 - Left exhaust manifold
11 - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) solenoid valve -N112-
12 - Vacuum reservoir
- Located in left-front wheel- housing
- The secondary air injection system injects air behind the exhaust valves during a cold start. Cold start means engine coolant temperature between 8 - 65 ° C (46 - 149 ° F).The amount of air injected is temperature dependent.
- The need for secondary air is triggered by the Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM) -J220- via the Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Injection pump relay -J299- to the Secondary Air Injection (AIR) solenoid valve -N112- and the two combination valves.
- When "Basic Setting" (scan tool function 04) is initiated, a diagnosis for the secondary air injection system can be carried out. The diagnostics consists of a flow test and a leak test.