Bleed Cooling System
1. Remove cap on expansion tank, attach adapter tool No. VAG 1274/1, or equivalent, and extend to 100 mm using 42 mm diameter (1-5/8 in.) hose.
2. Open vent screws at feed and return lines of heating system.
3. Add coolant until it flows from vent valves.
4. Close vent valves.
5. Re-install cover of expansion tank.
6. Disconnect 2-pin harness connector from pump unit.
7. Set heating/air conditioning controls to "LO."
8. Start and run engine at approx. 2000 RPM, for approx. 3 minutes.
9. Check fluid level in expansion tank and refill if necessary to max. level.
10. Re-connect 2-pin harness connector to pump.
11. Set heating/air conditioning controls to "Hl" and blower speed to lowest setting.
11. Start and run engine at 2000-3000 RPM for about 10 minutes.
12. Stop engine (switch ignition off).
13. Switch ignition back on.
^ When the heating and air conditioning controls are set to "Hi, " the electric pump to the heater must not make any noise.
^ Noise indicates that air is trapped in the heating system and requires the bleeding/venting process to be repeated.
14. If there are no unusual noises:
- Switch ignition off.
- Check expansion tank fluid level and refill if necessary.