Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Aging, Checking
Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Aging, Checking
- When driving or riding in an airbag equipped vehicle, NEVER hold the scan tool or other test equipment in your hands or lap while in motion. Objects between you and the airbag increase the risk of injury in an accident.
- During a test drive in an airbag-equipped vehicle, test equipment must always be fastened to and operated from the rear seat by a second technician.
Test conditions
- Engine coolant temperature at least 85 °C (185 °F)
- Connect VAG1551 or VAG1552 Scan Tool (ST), and press buttons -0- and -1- to insert "Engine Electronics" address word 01 (engine running at idle). Refer "Scan Tool Testing/Scan Tool Connecting and Initial Checks/Connecting VAG1551 or VAG1552 Scan Tool" Testing and Inspection
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press buttons -0- and -4- to select "Basic Setting" function 04, and press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display
Basic Setting
Input display group number XXX
- Press buttons -0-, -2- and -9- to input display group number 29 (029), and press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display
System in Basic Setting 29 ->
1 2 3 4
NOTE: To keep the exhaust gas and the three way catalytic converter at the proper temperature, hold engine speed within the specified RPM range for at least 1 minute. Note the status of the oxygen sensor control function in display field 4.
- Check specified values for Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) aging (bank 1), display fields 2 and 4:
- Three Way Catalytic Converter (TWC) temperature greater than 300 °C (display field 2)
- Raise engine speed to 1800 - 2200 RPM, and hold (display field 1).
- Hold engine speed in this range until specified HO2S status is achieved (display field 4).
- After initiating diagnostic test, value in display field 4 must switch from "Test OFF" to "Test ON."
- Specified value after completed test: B1-S1 OK
- Press -3- button to advance to display group 30 (030).
- Check specified values for Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) 2 aging (bank 2), display fields 2-4:
- Three Way Catalytic Converter (TWC) temperature greater than 300 °C (display field 2)
- Raise engine speed to 1800 - 2200 RPM, and hold (display field 1).
- Hold engine speed in this range until specified HO2S 2 status is achieved (display field 4).
- After initiating diagnostic test, value in display field 4 must switch from "Test OFF" to "Test ON."
- Specified value after completed test: B2-S1 OK
- Press -8- button to select "Read Measuring Value Block" function 08, and press -Q- button to confirm input.
- Press -C- button.
Indicated on display
Read Measuring Value Block
Input display group number XXX
- Press buttons -0-, -2- and -5- to input display group number 25 (O2S), and press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display
Read Measuring Value Block 25 ->
1 2 3 4
- Check specified values for Oxygen Sensor (O2S) control for Oxygen Sensors (O2S) behind Three Way Catalytic Converters (TWC), banks 1 and 2 (display fields 1-4):
- Press button to advance program sequence.
- Press buttons -0- and -6- to select "End Output" function 06, and press -Q- button to confirm input.
If specified values are not displayed
- Replace oxygen sensor.
- Check readiness code. If DTC memory has been erased, generate new readiness code.
Refer to "Monitors, Trips and/or Drive Cycle (Readiness Code)/Checking, Readiness Code" Testing and Inspection
Refer to "Monitors, Trips and/or Drive Cycle (Readiness Code)/Generating, Readiness Code" Testing and Inspection