Engine Oil: Service and Repair
Engine Oil
The engine is factory-filled with a high quality multi-grade oil that can be used as an all-season oil, except in extremely cold climates.
Viscosity classes and oil specifications
Select the viscosity according to the chart shown. The oil does not need to be changed if the outside temperature only briefly exceeds the specified ranges.
The specifications must be indicated on the container either individually or in combination with other specifications.
A- Multi-grade oil, specification VW 500 00 (1)
B- Multi-grade oil, specification VW 501 01 (2)
-Multi-grade oil, specification API-SF- or -SG- (2)
(1) This VW specification must have a date of 10/91 or later.
(2) These oils may only be used in exceptional cases if no approved engine oil is available.
Mixing oils when topping up is permissible.
Oil level, checking
Test requirements
- Minimum engine oil temperature 60°C
- Vehicle must be standing on level ground when checking oil level
- After stopping engine, wait a few minutes to allow oil to flow back into oil pan
- Withdraw dipstick, wipe using clean cloth and reinsert fully.
- Withdraw dipstick again and read oil level.
Oil fill quantity Refer to, "Engine oil, oil filter, replacing."
Range of markings on dip stick:
a- Oil MUST NOT be topped off.
b- Oil may be topped off. After topping off, oil may reach range -a-.
c- Oil MUST BE topped off. After topping off, it is sufficient if oil level is somewhere in range -b- (shaded area).
CAUTION: Do not overfill with oil past the MAX mark on the oil dipstick. Damage to the Three Way Catalytic Converter (TWC) could result.