Disassembling and Assembling
A/C refrigerant system must be discharged before removing heater/air conditioner assembly.
See Removing heater/air conditioner assembly.
See Heater/air conditioner assembly, servicing.
1 - Air distribution housing, upper half
2 - Clips
- Hold the two housing halves together
- Un-clip with screwdriver
3 - Evaporator
- Seal between air distribution housing halves and evaporator lines See Fig.1
- Evaporator seal See Fig. 2
4 - Air flow flap and fresh/recirculated air flap
5 - Air distribution housing, lower half
6 - Intake duct screen
7 - Crank for central flap
- Snaps into flap
- Color: blue
8 - Lever
- Color: blue
9 - Lever
- Color: red
10 - Crank for temperature flap
- Snaps into flap
- Color: red
Fig. 1 Evaporator line/housing seal
- Evaporator lines -A- and -B- are sealed between the air distribution housing halves with foam gasket -C-. Check and replace as necessary.
Fig. 2 Evaporator seal
- Circumference of evaporator -A- is sealed at air distribution housing with foam gasket -B-. Check and replace as necessary.
NOTE: Install gasket -B- to evaporator with gap in area -C- (to allow condensation drainage).