Vehicles Up to 36.98
Check Control Module Versions (Function 01)
- Press keys 0 and 1.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer Q
01 - Check Control Module Versions
- Confirm entry with Q key.
- Indicated on display (vehicles with front and side airbags):
4B0959655C Airbag 7 AUDI D00->
Code 00104 WSC 06812
- Indicated on display (vehicles with front airbags):
4B0959655 Airbag 6 AUDI D00->
Code 00004 WSC 06812
Explanatory notes on display:
Vehicles up to 36.98:
- 4B0959655C: Number of airbag control module (front and side airbags)
- 4B0959655J: Number of airbag control module (front and side airbags)
- 4B0959655: Number of airbag control module (front airbags only)
- Airbag 7: BTU airbag (basic triggering unit)
- Airbag 6: BTU airbag (basic triggering unit)
- AUDI D00: Software version of control module for Audi vehicles
- Code 00104: Coding. Testing and Inspection
- Code 00004: Coding. Testing and Inspection
- WSC 06812: Workshop code
- Pressing -> key effects return to basic function.