Seat Control Element, Basic Adjustment (Front Passenger Seat)
Seat Control Element, Basic Adjustment
Basic adjustment is required if seat components are replaced.
Test requirements:
- Voltage supply and fuses for appropriate system OK.
- Connect VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST).
Sequence of operations
- Move seat backrest forward as far as it will go.
- Check current numerical value in measuring value block 002 See Read Measuring Value Block.
Indicated on display (values in example):
Measuring Value Block 2 ->
Not pressed 32787 Forward 34231
Display zone 4 shows current numerical value (in example 34231).
- Note down this numerical value.
For control module 4B0 959 760 C
- Move backrest back toward seating position until numerical value is 835 less (in example: 34231 minus 835 = 33396).
- Start basic setting.
Implementing function "04 - Basic setting"
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press keys 0 and 4.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer Q
04 - Basic setting
- Confirm entry with Q key.
Indicated on display:
Basic Setting
Enter display group number XXX
- Press keys 0, 0 and 1.
Indicated on display:
Basic setting Q
Display group number 001
- Confirm entry with Q key.
Indicated on display:
System in basic setting 1
Basic value learned
- This concludes basic setting.
- Press -> key.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Then check display value 4 in measuring value block 002. Display must show mean counter value (32767).
- Check basic setting as follows:
- Move seat backrest to rear as far as it will go.
- Press memory button and one of the personalized buttons (e.g. memory position 1).
- Then press memory position button selected above (e.g.: 1) again with driver's door open. Backrest moves to rear stop, leaving a safety clearance with respect to rear seat bench (leg room for rear passenger).