Differential, Removing and Installing Overview
Differential, Removing and Installing
Special tools and equipment
- VW771 slide hammer- complete set
- 3257 Puller
- Kukko 21/3 extractor
- Removal and installation is also possible with transmission installed.
- The differential can be removed and installed without disassembling shift input shaft, pinion shaft or transmission cover. The above components have to be disassembled if the differential needs to be adjusted.
- Flanges with and without polygon bearings are used. Application, Refer to Manual Transmission/Transaxle, Applications and ID.
- Polygon bearings can only be replaced together with drive flange.
- Look for visible damage to polygon bearings.
- The rough operation of the polygon bearing with the drive flange not installed is not an indication that the bearings are malfunctioning. An acoustic check can only be carried out while installed.
- A spacer ring is installed between the polygon bearing and differential pinion for drive flanges with a spline diameter of 30 mm , Refer to Fig. 3 Installing Spacer Ring and Fig. 4 Drive Flange With Polygon Bearing Assembly.
- Adjustments are required when replacing components marked with (1).
1. Transmission housing (1)
2. Seal
- Always replace.
3. Circlip
- Always replace
- Removing and installing Fig. 1 Removing and Installing Circlip.
4. Spacer ring
- Only for drive flange with polygon bearings and splines with 30 mm diameter.
- Removing Fig. 2 Removing Spacer Ring.
- Installing Fig. 3 Installing Spacer Ring.
5. Drive flange
- Drive flange with polygon bearing assembly Fig. 4 Drive Flange With Polygon Bearing Assembly.
6. Differential with ring gear (1)
- Can be installed without removal of transmission
7. Cover for final drive (1)
- Coat sealing surfaces with thin layer of sealant AMV 188 001 02
8. Torx bolt
- 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
- Drive gear for Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
- Carefully install onto differential without canting. Do not use force: drive gear can break easily.