Output Diagnostic Test Mode (Function 03)
Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) (function 03)
- Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) is only possible with engine idle and ignition switched on.
- If malfunctions are detected during Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM), determine cause of malfunction and repair.
During the "Output Diagnostic Test Mode" function, the following actuators of the instrument cluster will be activated or coded (if installed):
- Simultaneous parallel sweep through indication range of all analog display instruments (Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) gauge, tachometer, speedometer, fuel gauge)
- Activation of warning lamps
- Activation of seatbelt warning light
- Activation of chime
- Segment test of driver information system, LCD clock/date display, and LCD trip odometer and daily odometer.
- Test of instrument cluster lighting, including dimmer
Test requirement:
- Lighting switched on.
Test sequence
- initiate output Diagnostic Test mode of instrument cluster, Initiating
Display on VAS5051:
- In selection -1-, click on the diagnostic function "03 - On Board Diagnostic (OBD)"
Display on VAS5051:
A - 1 Actuator in test
1 - Analog indicators
The following tests are performed simultaneously:
- Sweep of coolant temperature needle through entire display range
- Sweep of tachometer needle through entire display range
- Sweep of speedometer needle through entire display range
- Sweep of fuel level needle through entire display range
After sweep of display ranges, the following fixed values will be displayed:
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) gauge: 1/2
Tachometer: 3000 1/min
Speedometer: 62 mi
Fuel gauge: 1/2
NOTE: Switching ignition on and off will stop any needle sweep that has started.
- Click on -> button
Display on VAS5051:
A - 2. Actuator in test
2 - Control lamp test instrument cluster
All lamps are switched on that are activated by the processor.
- Click on -> button
Display on VAS5051:
A - 3. Actuator in test
3 - Seat belt warning light -K19-
Seatbelt warning light is activated.
- Seat belt warning light is only activated at corresponding coding of instrument cluster.
- If the seat belt warning light is not called up during On Board Diagnostic (OBD), the warning light is not active.
- Click on -> button
Display on VAS5051:
A - 4. Actuator in test
4 - Gong
Gong is activated and sounds in intervals.
- Click on -> button
Display on VAS5051:
A - 5. Actuator in test
5 - Segment test
All display points of the driver information display, the LCD clock/date indicator and the LCD odometer and daily odometer are activated.
- Click on -> - button
Display on VAS5051:
A - 6. Actuator in test
6 - Lighting/switch and instruments
Instrument cluster illumination is automatically set twice to bright and dark and then switched to maximum illumination (bright).
- Click on > - button
Display on VAS5051:
A - Actuator test has ended
- End function "03 - Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM)" by pressing <- button.