With Manufacturer Scan Tool
Check DTC Memory (Function 02)
NOTE: DTC information displayed is not updated constantly, but rather only on starting On Board Diagnostic (OBD)/implementing function 05 "Erase DTC Memory".
- Switch on printer by pressing PRINT key (lamp in key lights).
Implementing function "02 - Check DTC Memory"
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press keys 0 and 2.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer Q
02 - Check DTC Memory
- Confirm entry with Q key.
The number of stored DTCs appears on the display.
X DTCs detected ->
In the case of "No DTCs detected", program returns to start after pressing -> key.
No DTCs detected ->
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
If any other display appears:
- Erase DTC Memory (function 05).
- End Output (function 06).
- Unplug diagnostic connector.