A/C Compressor, Replacing
A/C Compressor, Replacing
If A/C compressor is replaced new due to external compressor damage:
- Discharge refrigerant system.
- Remove A/C compressor and plug all open line connections.
- Remove compressor oil drain plug, drain refrigerant oil from compressor and measure amount.
- Remove oil drain plug from new compressor.
- Drain fresh oil from new compressor and save (keep oil in an enclosed container to prevent moisture and dirt contamination).
- Rotate compressor by hand to speed up oil draining process.
- Dispose of used refrigerant oil following laws governing hazardous waste disposal.
- Replacement A/C compressors supplied by the Parts Department are filled with 250 cc ± 20 cc (8.5 fl oz ± 0.7 fl oz) of refrigerant oil. This is the total system oil capacity.
In order to ensure lubrication during initial start-up, add a minimum of 80 cc (2.7 oz) of fresh refrigerant (PAG) oil to A/C compressor.
- Refill new compressor with 80 cc (2.7 oz) of fresh refrigerant oil.
- Install oil drain plug.
If total amount of refrigerant oil drained from old compressor was greater than 80 cc (2.7 oz):
- Subtract 80 cc (2.7 oz) (amount of new oil that was added to compressor) from total amount.
- Add resulting amount of fresh refrigerant oil to either evaporator or accumulator.
100 cc (amount of oil drained from old compressor)
-80 cc (amount of fresh oil added to new compressor)
20 cc (amount of fresh oil to be added to evaporator or accumulator)
- Install A/C compressor.
- Install new A/C compressor.
- Evacuate and recharge refrigerant system.
- Manually rotate A/C compressor 10 rotations before operating system to prevent compressor damage.
If A/C compressor is replaced new as the result of leakage or internal damage (for example noises or no output):
- Discharge refrigerant system.
- Remove A/C compressor.
If A/C compressor has internal damage:
- Check refrigerant lines and hoses for contamination (metal chips); if present, replace lines/hoses as necessary, replace accumulator and restrictor.
NOTE: If lines/hoses are replaced, measure and add appropriate amount of PAG oil before installing. If accumulator is replaced, measure and add appropriate amount of PAG oil before installing.
- Remove compressor oil drain plug, drain refrigerant oil from compressor and measure amount.
- Remove oil drain plug from new compressor.
- Rotate compressor by hand to speed up oil draining process.
- Dispose of used refrigerant oil following laws governing hazardous waste disposal.
- Replacement A/C compressors supplied by the Parts Department are filled with 250 cc ± 20 cc (8.5 fl oz ± 0.7 fl oz) of refrigerant oil. This is the total system oil capacity.
- Drain fresh oil from new compressor and save (keep oil in an enclosed container to prevent moisture and dirt contamination).
In order to ensure lubrication during initial start-up, add a minimum of 80 cc (2.7 oz) of fresh refrigerant (PAG) oil to A/C compressor.
- Refill new compressor with 80 cc (2.7 oz) of fresh refrigerant oil.
- Install oil drain plug.
If total amount of refrigerant oil drained from old compressor was greater than 80 cc (2.7 oz):
- Subtract 80 cc (2.7 oz) (amount of new oil that was added to compressor) from total amount.
- Add resulting amount of fresh refrigerant oil to either evaporator or accumulator.
100 cc (amount of oil drained from old compressor)
-80 cc (amount of fresh oil added to new compressor)
20 cc (amount of fresh oil to be added to evaporator or accumulator)
NOTE: Some refrigerant/recovery/recycling/recharging equipment has provisions for adding refrigerant (PAG) oil during system recharge. If using this method for adding oil, follow all refrigerant/recovery/recycling/recharging equipment manufacturer's instructions.
- Install new A/C compressor.
- Evacuate and recharge refrigerant system.
- Manually rotate A/C compressor 10 rotations before operating system to prevent compressor damage.