Adaptation (Function 10)
Adaptation (Function 10)
Using the adaptation function(from m.y. 2002), the following changes can be made and saved:
- Switching off and on speed display
For driving school vehicles, the speed display can be activated in radio display via this channel.
- Switching off and on transport mode
If the transport mode is switched on, the radio can no longer be switched on by hand.
- Activating and deactivating long wave
For certain countries or upon customer request, the long wave range can be activated via this channel.
Individual functions are called up by entering the appropriate adaptation channel numbers (see adaptation table).
Adaptation table:
Initiating "Adaptation" function 10
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press buttons -1- and -0-. This selects "Adaptation", function 10.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer Q
10 -Adaptation
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Enter channel number XX
- Enter desired adaptation channel (adaptation table ).
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
NOTE: After changing an adaptation value or ending an adaptation channel, "Adaptation" function 10 must be performed again before selecting another adaptation channel.
Activation and deactivation of the speed display
Indicated on display:
Enter channel number XX
- Press buttons -7- and -7-. (77 selects "channel 77".)
NOTE: An erroneous entry can be corrected by pressing button -C-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 77 adaptation 0 ->
<-1 3->
The selected channel and the respective system configuration is displayed in the upper line (0 = Speed display deactivated, 1 = Speed display).
- Press -> button.
Indicated on display:
Channel 77 adaptation 0 ->
Enter adaptation value XXXXX
- Enter new adaptation value (e.g. 00001), where 00001 = speed display on and 00000 = speed display off.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 77 adaptation 1 ->
<-1 3->
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 77 adaptation 1 Q
Store modified value?
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 77 adaptation 1 ->
Modified value has been stored
- Press -> button.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press buttons -0- and -6-. This selects "End Output", function 06.
- Press -> button.
Activation and deactivation of the long wave
Indicated on display:
Enter channel number XX
- Press buttons -8- and -8-. (88 selects "channel 88".)
NOTE: An erroneous entry can be corrected by pressing button -C-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 88 adaptation 0 ->
<-1 3->
The selected channel and the respective system configuration is displayed in the upper line (0 = long wave activated, 1 = long wave off).
- Press -> button.
Indicated on display:
Channel 88 adaptation 0 ->
Enter adaptation value XXXXX
- Enter new adaptation value (e.g. 00001), where 00001 = long wave off and 00000 = long wave activated.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 88 adaptation 1 ->
<-1 3->
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 88 adaptation 1 Q
Store modified value?
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 88 adaptation 1 ->
Modified value has been stored
- Press -> button.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press buttons -0- and -6-. This selects "End Output", function 06.
- Press -> button.
Activating and deactivating transport mode
Indicated on display:
Enter channel number XX
- Press buttons -9- and -9-. (99 selects "channel 99".)
NOTE: An erroneous entry can be corrected by pressing button -C-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 99 adaptation 0 ->
<-1 3->
The selected channel and the respective system configuration is
displayed in the upper line (0 = transport mode off, 1 = transport mode on).
- Press -> button.
Indicated on display:
Channel 99 adaptation 0 ->
Enter adaptation value XXXXX
- Enter new adaptation value (e.g. 00001), where 00001 = transport mode on and 00000 = transport mode off.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 99 adaptation 1 ->
<-1 3->
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 99 adaptation 1 Q
Store modified value?
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display:
Channel 99 adaptation 1 ->
Modified value has been stored
- Press -> button.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
- Press buttons -0- and -6-. This selects "End Output", function 06.
- Press -> button.