Lost Key Procedure
Lost Key Procedure
- Produce or order a replacement ignition key according to the lock number.
- Adapt all vehicle keys.
- For vehicles with remote controlled central locking, all remote keys must be adapted to the control module for central locking.
Determining the secret number (7-digit PIN)
The secret number is determined in conjunction with the 14 digit identification number of the Engine Control Module (ECM) or anti-theft immobilizer, and is read upon initiation of On Board Diagnostic (OBD).
Effective calender date 03.11.2002, the immobilizer secret number is encoded for increased security. The encoded number is now 7-digits and is referred to as a "PIN" ("Personal Identification Number").
All models with anti-theft immobilizer are affected, regardless of generation.
The process to obtain the 7-digit PIN remains the same as with the 4-digit "secret number" previously used - that is: request via the "Warranty Information Network" (WIN). However, WIN Administration now requires additional information from both the vehicle and Dealer in order to to generate the 7-digit PIN.
The PIN is only valid on the day it is requested. Thereafter, a new PIN is required.
The 7-digit PIN can only be processed and input using either the VAS 5051 or VAS 5052 with basis CD version 3.10 and higher. VAG 1551/1552 Scan Tools are unable to process or input this number.
A correct Importer/Dealer number must reside in the VAS 5051/5052 in order to request a PIN.
The requested PIN is intended for internal use only, is worthless to other Dealers and must not be shared with the customer.
- All Dealership VAS 5051 and VAS 5052 testers in service MUST be programmed with the correct Importer/Dealer number, as well as correct date and time.
- Adaptation functions of the anti-theft immobilizer are not possible with incorrect data!