Connecting VAG 1551 Scan Tool
VAG1551 Scan Tool (ST), Connecting
NOTE: The VAG1552 mobile scan tool can be used instead of the VAG1551, but there is no print-out capability.
- Battery Positive Voltage (B+) OK (at least 11 Volts)
- Engine and transmission Ground (GND) connections OK
- Fuse OK
Vehicles From 1997
NOTE: The DLC is located below the driver's knee bar to the left of the steering wheel.
- Connect VAG1551 or VAG1552 Scan Tool (ST) with VAG1551/3 adapter to Data Link Connector (DLC).
All vehicles
Indicated on display
1 - Rapid data transfer 1)
2 - Blink Code Output 1)
1) Operating modes 1 and 2 are displayed alternately
If one of these messages is indicated on the display, perform On Board Diagnostic (OBD) according to OBD instructions:
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer HELP
Control module does not answer
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer HELP
Error in communication link
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer HELP
K wire not switching to Ground
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer HELP
K wire not switching to B+
- Check wiring connections for Data Link Connector (DLC).
If nothing appears on display
- Switch printer on by pressing PRINT button (indicator lamp in button lights up).
- Press button -1- to select "Rapid data transfer" operating mode 1.
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer HELP
Insert address word XX
NOTE: After inserting "Automatic Test Sequence" address word 00 and pressing the -Q- button, an automatic test sequence is carried out (checks DTC memory for all systems with rapid data transfer capability).