Adaptation Channel 02 - Resetting SRI After Service
Adaptation (function 10)
individual functions are called up by entering the appropriate adaptation channel numbers (see adaptation table).
- Using measuring value blocks 010, 011, 012 and 015, the values that need to be transferred to the new instrument cluster can be read out before replacement.
- Adaptation channels 42, 43, 44 and 45 (Measuring value blocks 013 ) must be adapted when the instrument cluster is replaced.
- Adaptation channels 60, 61, and 62 are only needed when the instrument cluster communicates with the corresponding BUS system..
- Measuring value blocks 125 and 126 indicate the participants in the powertrain CAN-bus.
- Measuring value block 130 indicates the participants in the comfort system CAN-bus.
- Measuring value block 140 indicates the participants in the information CAN-bus
Adaptation table
Adaptation channel Adaptation function
02 Resetting SRI after service
03 Adaptation of consumption display
04 Language versions of driver information system
09 Odometer
18 Adaptation of auxiliary heater
30 Adaptation of fuel gauge sender
35 Adaptation of engine speed threshold
40 Adaptation For distance driven since service
41 Adaptation For time since service
42 Adaptation For minimum mileage performance
43 Adaptation For maximum mileage performance
44 Adaptation For maximum time interval
45 Adaptation For oil quality
60 Adaptation powertrain CAN-bus
61 Adaptation comfort system CAN-bus
62 Adaptation information CAN-bus
Initiating "Adaptation" function 10
- Initiate output Diagnostic Test Mode of instrument cluster.
Display on VAS5051:
- In selection -1-, select the diagnostic function "10 - Adaptation".
Display on VAS5051
1 - Enter channel number Max. input value = 99
- Enter desired adaptation channel in button field -2- See Adaptation table.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
NOTE: After changing an adaptation value or ending an adaptation channel, "10 - Adaptation" function must be selected again before selecting another adaptation channel!
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Channel X read and test
2 - Text display of selected channel or No indication
5 - The sliding bar is positioned on the current adaptation value
A - Changing adaptation value using sliding bar:
Display on VAS5051:
- Move sliding bar -5- into desired direction or press on the surface beside the sliding bar, to move it in the desired direction.
- Press "Save" button -4-.
NOTE: If the "Save" button is not indicated on display, only a direct input via the keypad is possible.
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Channel X save
2 - Text display of selected channel or No indication
4 - original value X new value X
- Confirm new adaptation value by pressing the "take over" button -3-.
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Channel X Value X stored
- End function "10 - Adaptation" by pressing <- button.
B - Change adaptation value via direct input:
Display on VAS5051:
- Press "Keypad" button -3-.
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Enter adaptation value input value 0 to 65535
- Enter 5-digit adaptation value in button field -2-. If necessary, insert zeros in front.
Desired input value: 1
Keypad input: 00001
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Channel X save
2 - Text display of selected channel or No indication
4 - original value X new value X
- Confirm new adaptation value by pressing the "take over" button -3-.
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Channel X Value X stored
- End function "10 - Adaptation" by pressing <- button.
Adaptation channel 02 -Resetting SRI after service
- The Service Reminder Indicator (SRI) is used to remind the driver when a service is necessary. Indication is in center display.
- Service reminder appears 1 month or 1200 miles before service limit is reached. Example For display: After a total driving distance of 7000 miles, "SERVICE IN 1000 miles" is indicated.
- When a service event arrives, the text information appears in the center display For 5 seconds when ignition is switched on. It is shown after the note For automatic transmission and a target input For navigation (if applicable). Display: "SERVICE!".
- The currently valid specifications can be found in the "Maintenance" book.
- Data version of instrument cluster.
- Channels 40, 41 and 45 are automatically set to "0".
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Enter channel number Max. input value = 99
- Select function "02" in button field -2- For "Adaptation channel 02" and press Q button to confirm input.
Display on VAS5051:
1 - Channel 2 read and test
2 - No indication
5 - Sliding bar is positioned on "1" Service is active, i.e. "SERVICE!" is displayed in the instrument cluster.
The service event is reset using the following adaptation value:
Adaptation value Service event
00000 Reset
- Change adaptation value using the sliding bar =, "A - Change adaptation value using sliding bar".
- Change adaptation value via direct input = "B - Change adaptation value via direct input".
- Enter adaptation value "00000".
Display on VAS5051 after performed adaptation:
1 - Channel 2 Value 0 stored
NOTE: 0 means service has been reset, i.e. "SERVICE IN 1000 MI" is displayed in instrument cluster after call-up.
- End function "10 - Adaptation" by pressing <- button