Canister Purge Control Valve
EVAP Canister/tank Leak Diagnostic System, Diagram - 6-Cylinder Turbo Engine
1 To intake hoses before both turbo chargers
2 Check valve
- Installation position (bright/dark side): As shown, arrow shows in direction of flow
3 Emission Evaporative (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve -N80-
- Component location: Right front in engine compartment
4 Vent line
- From EVAP canister purge regulator valve -N80-
- Installation position: Right side under vehicle floor
- Fastened at fuel tank in fuel tank area
5 Vent line
- To Gravity valve at fuel tank
6 EVAP canister
- Component location: In lower in spare wheel molding
7 Connecting hose
- Diagnostic pump/EVAP canister
- Pressure side
8 Air filter
- For Leak Detection Pump (LDP) -V144-
9 Leak Detection Pump (LDP) -V144-
- Component location: In wheelhousing left rear below wheelhousing molding
10 Vacuum line
- To Leak Detection Pump (LDP) -V144-
11 Vacuum reservoir
- For Leak Detection Pump (LDP) -V144-
12 Check valve
- Installation position (bright/dark side): As shown, arrow shows in direction of flow
13 To rear upper intake hose
14 To front intake hose
15 Check valve
- Installation position (bright/dark side): As shown, arrow shows in direction of flow