No Load Voltage Measurement
No Load Voltage Measurement
Special tools and equipment
- VAG 1526 A
The battery plugs must be fully tightened when charging, measuring voltage or performing load tests.
Make sure that following notes are observed otherwise correct measurements cannot be guaranteed.
- If no load voltage measurement is carried out with the battery installed in vehicle, it is absolutely necessary to disconnect Ground strap.
- The battery must not be loaded by connected power consumers for at least 2 hours before making measurements.
- The battery must not be charged for at least 2 hours before making measurements.
Read caution before beginning repairs on the electrical system
- Push cover over battery to the right -arrow 1- and remove by lifting off - arrow 2-.
- With ignition switched off, disconnect battery Ground strap -arrow-.
- Measure voltage between the battery terminals.
- If the measuring device displays 12.7 volts or above, the battery is OK.
- Battery resting voltage must not be below 12.7 volts at any time, otherwise charge battery immediately
- Repeatedly measure voltage between terminals.
- Battery resting voltage must not be below 12.7 volts.
- If no-load voltage is not OK, replace battery.
Installation is the reverse order of removal while connectting the battery.