A/T Controls - Hard Jerking In Reverse At Idle
37 08 192005585/7
December 16, 2008.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 37 number 07-06 dated April 12, 2007 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
37 Hard jerking in reverse-update programming (flashing), transmission control module
Hard jerking when in reverse with engine at idle speed.
Technical Background
If the idle speed drops below 600 rpm with reverse gear selected, the reverse clutch opens to avoid engine stalling. This can increase the engine speed. The already-filled reverse clutch is then pre-filled (about 200 ms), which causes a jolt. If the idle speed drops below 600 rpm again, this leads to jerking.
Tip: A pre-filling is only necessary when reverse is selected, because of the long pressure pipe to the reverse clutch, it runs empty in a pressureless condition. The jolt doesn't affect the service life of the gearbox.
Production Solution
No pre-filling after opening to avoid the stalling of the engine from data version 3031 from gearbox production date 4/17/2003.
From the following chassis numbers:
Before these chassis numbers, check the data version to find out whether the measure has been performed on the vehicle.
NOTE: Any Update Programming procedure (flash) may overwrite any tuned ECM or TCM programming. A tuned ECM or TCM is described as any ECM or TCM altered so as to perform outside the normal parameters and specifications approved by Audi of America, Inc.
Current Tuned ECM or TCM requirements: If you encounter a vehicle with a tuned ECM or TCM, your dealership must do the following before performing any procedure that updates ECM or TCM programming:
- Notify the owner that their ECM or TCM was found to have been tuned
- Notify the owner any damage caused by the tuning of the ECM or TCM (including any adverse emissions consequences) will not be covered by Audi of America, Inc. warranties.
- Obtain the owner's written consent (see Control Module Tuning form shown) for any requested repair under warranty or outside warranty that requires flashing, which will automatically overwrite the tuned program.
Order the update CD - Part No. 8N0 906 961. Flash the new software into the TCM (Transmission Control Module).
Do not connect to the vehicle using the K-lead adapter VAS6017A.
The gearbox data version must be checked to see if the update flash can be performed.
The following chart shows the data versions that can be updated with the flash CD:
Example: 01J-927-156FE - 3011 can be flashed, after flashing the data version changes to 01J-927-156FE - 3031
Old identification New identification
01J-927-156_FE 3011 01J-927-156_FE 3031
01J-927-156_CS 3011 01J-927-156_CS 3031
01J-927-156_DB 3011 01J-927-156_DB 3031
01J-927-156_FD 3011 01J-927-156_FD 3031
01J-927-156_CJ 3011 01J-927-156_CJ 3031
01J-9271-56_DD 3011 01J-927-156_DD 3031
01J-927-156_CL 3011 01J-927-156_CL 3031
Fault memory entries in the control units are deleted when the flash procedure is completed.
With the VAS 5051/5052 still connected, the transmission control module (TCM) must be adjusted as follows:
1. Warm up the vehicle. The gear oil temperature must be at least 60 degrees C (measured value block 10 or 11, display field 3).
2. Drive in part load in driving mode D. After about 10 m, stop the vehicle with the brake pedal. Leave in driving mode D and press the brake pedal in stationary for about 10 seconds.
3. Drive in part load in driving mode R. After about 10 m, stop the vehicle with the brake pedal. Leave in driving mode R and press the brake pedal in stationary for about 10 seconds.
4. Repeat the above procedure, alternating between driving mode D and R five times. Then the adjustment is completed.
5. The display in measured value block 10/11 display field 2 can be ignored.
Required Parts and Tools
All part and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and service manuals for the latest information.