Drive Belt: Diagrams
Poly V-belt, component overview
Note: Before removing, mark the direction of rotation of the poly V-belt with chalk or a felt-tipped pen. If the belt runs in the opposite direction when it is reinstalled, this can cause breakage. Ensure that the belt is properly seated in the pulleys when installing.
1. Poly V-belt
^ Poly V-belt routing, Refer to Fig 1
^ Check for wear
^ Do not kink
2. Vibration damper
3. 100 Nm + 90° (1/4 turn) further
^ Replace
^ Use counterhold tool T10069 to loosen and tighten
4. Pulley for coolant pump
5. 20 Nm
6. Coolant pump
7. 8 Nm
8. 23 Nm
9. Tensioner for poly V-belt
^ To release tension of poly V-belt, screw a bolt M8 x 40 into bore on tensioning element
10. Bracket for ancillary units
11. Washer
12. Dowel bolt, 23 Nm
13. 23 Nm
14. Generator
15. Air conditioning compressor
^ Do not unscrew or disconnect refrigerant hoses or lines
^ To facilitate attachment of air conditioning compressor, slightly drive back threaded bushing for compressor securing bolts.
16. 45 Nm
17. 23 Nm
18. 23 Nm
19. 23 Nm
20. Power steering pump
21. Pulley for power steering pump
22. 23 Nm
Fig. 1 Poly V-belt routing
1. Tensioning roller
2. Poly V-belt for Generator
3. Poly V-belt pulley for air conditioning compressor
4. Poly V-belt pulley for power steering pump
5. Vibration damper/poly V-belt pulley
6. Poly V-belt pulley for coolant pump