Electrical Testing
Electrical Testing, 01V, 5 Spd. A/T AWD
Special Tools And Equipment:
^ V.A.G 1526 A
^ V.A.G 1527 B
^ V.A.G 1594 A
^ V.A.G 1598/20
^ For testing, use Multimeter V.A.G 1526 A or Vehicle Diagnosis, Measurement and Information System VAS 5051. The charts contain the specific measurement methods which have to be set up before the corresponding measurements.
^ The specified values given are valid for an ambient temperature of 0°C to 40°C.
^ If the values measured deviate from the specified values, determine malfunctions following the wiring diagram.
^ If the values measured show only a minor deviation from the specified values, clean cavities and connectors on the test equipment and test leads, repeat test. Before replacing the components in question, check their wires and connectors. In particular, with specified values under 10 Ohms, repeat the resistance measurement on the component.
^ The terminal numbers of the connector and the cavity numbers on the V.A.G 1598/20 test box match.
CAUTION: In order to avoid destroying electronic components, the specific measurement range on the measuring equipment must be switched on before connecting the test leads.
Test requirements:
^ Vehicle voltage supply O.K.
^ Voltage supply and fuses for particular system O.K.
^ Ground connections for transmission O.K.
- Check ground connections for corrosion and damaged connection, repair as needed.
- Check battery ground strap and ground strap between battery and transmission.
Test procedure
- Switch ignition OFF.
- Remove Transmission Control Module (TCM) and separate multiple connector.
- Connect V.A.G 1598/20 test box to control module wiring harness.
- If values measured deviate from specifications, perform Steps in event of deviations from specified value in right-hand column of test table.
- Perform all steps in column Steps in the event of deviations from specified value
- Perform only test steps recommended in Test table (selective troubleshooting)