Battery Charger, Charging the Battery
Battery, Charging
Battery Charger, Charging the Battery
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Battery Charger (VAS 5095A) or
• Battery Charger (VAS 5900) or
• Battery Charger (VAS 5903)
• Battery Charger (VAS 5904)
• Battery Charger (VAS 5906)
• Battery chargers (VAS 5095A), (VAS 5900), (VAS 5903), (VAS 5904) and (VAS 5906) charge without current and voltage peaks. Batteries can therefore also be charged when installed. When doing this, heed the safety instructions. The devices provide an assistance mode in which they provide supply for the circuits.
• When working on the electrical system with the electrical consumers temporarily switched on and for "Guided Fault Finding", the battery must be charged with a battery charger in assistance mode to prevent damage to the battery. Refer to => [ Battery Support Mode, with Battery Charger ]. Battery Support Mode, With Battery Charger
• For more information regarding the battery charger, refer to the operating instructions that came with the charger.
• The battery temperature must be at least 10° C (50° F).
Risk of explosion due to open flame, fire and smoking.
• On non maintenance free batteries, the sealing plugs must be installed tightly.
• Provide sufficient ventilation.
• A highly flammable gas forms when batteries are charged. Never enter rooms where batteries are being charged carrying an open flame or while smoking.
• Follow the battery charger and battery manufacturer safety requirements.
• Rapid charging batteries. Refer to => [ Rapid Charging the Battery, Vehicles without a Battery Monitoring Control Module Rapid Charging the Battery, Vehicles Without A Battery Monitoring Control Module or Energy Management Control Module or Energy Management Control Module ].
Risk of explosion on discharged battery with "visual indicator".
• If the "visual indicator" has no color or is light yellow, the battery may not be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used! There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting. The battery must be replaced.
Risk of damaging Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) batteries.
• AGM batteries must be protected from overvoltage.
- Turn off the ignition and remove ignition key.
- Turn off all electrical consumers.
- Perform the battery charging prep work.
• In vehicles without a battery monitoring control module (J367) or energy management control module (J644), the battery charger clamps can be connected to the battery terminals or the positive and ground terminals in the engine compartment.
• In vehicles with a battery monitoring control module or energy management control module, the black charger clamp "-" must not be connected to the battery negative terminal but to the ground terminal in the engine compartment or the ground pin of the energy management control module.
- After connecting the charging clamps, connect the battery charger electrical system connector.
- Turn the charger on.
- If necessary, adjust the charge current according to the battery capacity.
• Current should be 10% of the battery capacity (with a 60 Ah battery, about 6 Ah).
- When the battery is fully charged, disconnect the battery charger clamps "+" and "-" from the battery.
- Disconnect the battery charger electrical system connector.