General Specifications
Cylinder Head
Insert cylinder head bolts and tighten by hand.
Tighten cylinder head bolts in 4 stages in sequence shown as follows:
Tighten using a torque wrench:
Stage 1 30 Nm
Stage 2 50 Nm
Tighten with a Torx key:
Stage 3 90 degrees (1/4 turn)
Stage 4 90 degrees (1/4 turn)
It is not necessary to re-tighten cylinder head bolts after repairs have been performed.
Always replace cylinder head bolts
Intake Manifold
Torque 13 Nm
Camshaft Bearing Cap
Torque 5 Nm + 45 degrees (1/8 turn)
Install intake camshaft as follows:
Tighten bearing caps 5 and 9 alternately in a diagonal sequence and then tighten to final torque.
Tighten bearing caps 1 and 13.
Tighten bearing cap 7.
Tighten bearing caps 3 and 11.
Install exhaust camshaft as follows:
Tighten bearing caps 6 and 10 alternately in a diagonal sequence and then tighten to final torque.
Tighten bearing caps 2 and 14.
Tighten bearing cap 8.
Tighten bearing caps 4 and 12.
Main Bearing Cap
Torque 30 Nm + 180 degrees (1/2 turn)
Rod Bearing Cap
Torque 30 Nm + 90 degrees (1/4 turn)
Vibration Damper/Crankshaft Pulley
Torque 100 Nm plus 90 degree (1/4 turn)
Dual Mass Flywheel
Torque 60 Nm + 90 degree (1/4 turn)
Oil Pump
Torque 23 Nm
Coolant Pump