Part 1
Planetary Gear
• Transmission attached to assembly stand. Refer to => [ Transmission, Attaching to Assembly Stand ] Transmission, Attaching to Assembly Stand.
- Remove torque converter.
- Place old oil collecting and extracting device ( V.A.G 1782) beneath transmission.
Wear eye protection.
- Remove ATF drain plug - 1 - and allow ATF to drain.
• Observe disposal regulations.
• Rest of ATF remains in the ATF oil pan.
Automatic transmission 01V Front Wheel Drive:
- Place old oil collecting and extracting device ( V.A.G 1782) beneath transmission.
- Loosen front final drive cover bolts in sequence - 14 to 1 - and then remove completely.
- Allow escaping oil to drain into Used Oil Collecting and Extracting Device (V.A.G 1782).
• Slowly and carefully remove cover for front final drive from transmission housing. The spur gears can otherwise fall out of the transmission.
• Do not reinstall spur gears that have fallen to the ground. The transmission must be replaced in this case.
- Lift off cover for front final drive.
- Mark installation position of intermediate pinion - 1 - and pinion gear - 3 -.
• Intermediate pinion - 1 - and pinion gear - 3 - must be reinserted in the same position to maintain running direction.
• For this reason, mark installation position of intermediate pinion and pinion gear.
- Remove pinion gear together with intermediate pinion, while doing so pull drive pinion - 2 - slightly toward rear.
- Remove drive pinion - 2 -.
- Remove adjustment shim - 1 - and axial needle bearing - 2 - from input shaft.
- Remove coil spring - 3 - from pinion shaft.
Automatic transmission 01V All Wheel Drive:
- Place old oil collecting and extracting device ( V.A.G 1782) beneath transmission.
- Remove locking bolt - A - and allow axle oil to drain from transfer case.
- Loosen transfer case housing bolts - arrows - in a diagonal sequence and then remove them completely.
Carefully and slowly pull transfer case housing off of transmission toward rear. The Torsen differential could otherwise fall out of the transmission.
- Remove Torsen differential - arrow - from input shaft.
- Place old oil collecting and extracting device ( V.A.G 1782) beneath transmission.
- Remove bolts - arrows - at intermediate flange for front final drive.
- Allow escaping oil to drain into Used Oil Collecting and Extracting Device (V.A.G 1782).
• Slowly and carefully remove intermediate flange for front final drive from transmission housing. The spur gears can otherwise fall out of the transmission.
• Do not reinstall spur gears that have fallen to the ground. The transmission must be replaced in this case.
- Lift off intermediate flange for front final drive.
- Cover entire splines - arrow - on input shaft with insulating tape without wrinkling or overlapping to avoid damaging shaft seal in front final drive intermediate flange when removing drive pinion - 2 -.
• Intermediate pinion - 1 - and pinion gear - 3 - must be reinserted in the same position to maintain running direction.
- Mark installation position of intermediate pinion - 1 - and pinion gear - 3 -.
- Remove pinion gear together with intermediate pinion, while doing so pull drive pinion - 2 - slightly toward rear.
- Remove drive pinion - 2 -.
- Remove adjustment shim - 1 - and axial needle bearing - 2 - from input shaft.
- Remove coil spring - 3 - from pinion shaft.
Automatic Transmission 01V, Front Wheel Drive and All Wheel Drive:
- Remove right flange shaft bolt - arrow - by installing 2 bolts in flange and counterholding flange shaft using a pry bar.
- Place old oil collecting and extracting device ( V.A.G 1782) beneath transmission.
- Pull out right flange shaft.
- Loosen final drive cover bolts in sequence - 12 to 1 - and then remove completely.
• Slowly and carefully remove final drive cover from transmission housing. Otherwise differential can fall out of transmission.
• A differential that has fallen onto the floor must not be installed again. The transmission must be replaced in this case.
- Remove final drive cover.
• Ensure tapered roller bearing outer race and differential adjusting screw do not fall out of final drive cover.
• Tapered roller bearing outer race must be installed in the same location.
• The shim must be the correct size and must not be replaced by a shim with a different thickness.
- Carefully remove differential - arrow -.
- Remove bolts - arrows - and remove baffle.
- Completely cover splines - arrow - on left flange shaft with insulating tape without wrinkling or overlapping to avoid damaging final drive/transmission housing double shaft seal when removing flange shaft.
- Remove left drive flange mounting bracket - arrows -.
- Pull out left drive flange.
• When sliding off, left drive flange must be carefully guided by hand to prevent damage to the double seal in final drive/transmission housing.
- Loosen ATF oil pan bolts - arrow - in a diagonal sequence and then remove them completely.
- Remove ATF oil pan.
• Milky green cover in ATF oil pan means there is damage to the torque converter clutch.
- Remove ATF screen bolts - arrows -.
- Pull ATF filter off of valve body.
- Remove circlip - arrow - for wiring harness/harness connector.
- Remove wiring harness/harness connector by pressing inward.
- Remove bolt - arrow - and remove Transmission Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) (G38)/Transmission Output Speed (RPM) Sensor (G195).
Part 2