Initial Position for Alignment
Initial Position for Alignment
Suspension 1BA, 1BE, 1BR, 1BV, 1BD, 2MC and 2ME
• Due to differing measuring lifts, it may be necessary to raise vehicle at front axle in order to be able to insert the Spacer Unit (V.A.G 1925). Bounce vehicle after lowering.
- Insert Spacer Unit (V.A.G 1925) with Adapter (V.A.G 1925/3) or (V.A.G 1925/4 ).
- Screw both threaded spindles out until they rest against the sub-frame front bolts - arrow -.
The vehicle must not be raised by doing this!
The vehicle is now in the initial position.
Vehicles with sport suspension 1BE, 1BV, 1BD, 2MC and 2ME
- Position axle lift under front jacking points and raise vehicle.
- Place Adapter (V.A.G 1925/6) on to Adapter ( V.A.G 1925/3) or (V.A.G 1925/4 ) of spacer.
- Lower the vehicle on the adapter - arrow -.
The vehicle is now in the initial position.
With all suspension versions
Check of whether the present toe-in value of each wheel matches the specification is performed in this position by the alignment program on the alignment computer. If necessary, correct toe-in using tie rod length adjuster.
Setting toe on front axle to start position. Refer to => [ Front Axle Toe, Adjusting ] Front Axle Toe, Adjusting.
Specified values for wheel alignment. Refer to => [ Wheel Alignment Specifications ] Wheel Alignment Specifications.
The alignment program will display a message only if a correction is necessary.