Display, MMI, through August 2008
Display, MMI, through August 2008
Front information display control head (J685)
• Unlisted connector terminals are not assigned.
22-pin connector (T22e)
All pins are connected to the Front information display control head control module (J523).
1. Voltage Supply
2. Ground
3. Not used
4. Ground
5. TMP
6. Rx2 (+)
7. Rx2 (-)
8. FOTO rear
9. INV status
10. FOTO display
11. Ground
12. Ground
13. Rx0 (+)
14. Rx0 (-)
15. Ground
16. Rx1 (-)
17. Rx1 (+)
18. Rxclk (+)
19. Rxclk (-)
20. Cable Diag
21. Rx3 (-)
22. Rx3 (+)