Diagram 67/13 (Tracks 155-168)
This manufacturer uses "Track" style wiring diagrams.
For information on how to use these diagrams effectively, please refer to Diagram Information and Instructions. Diagram Information and Instructions
Engine Control Module (ECM), Coolant Circulation Pump Relay, Camshaft Adjustment Valves, Coolant Fan, After-Run Coolant Pump
ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
rs = pink
J151 - Coolant Circulation Pump Relay Overview of Relay Carrier
J217 - Transmission Control Module (TCM) Overview of Control Modules
J293 - Coolant Fan Control (FC) Control Module Locations
J623 - Engine Control Module (ECM) Overview of Control Modules
J671 - Coolant Fan Control (FC) Control Module 2 Locations
N205 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 1 4.2L BVJ / BNK Overviews
N208 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 2 4.2L BVJ / BNK Overviews
SA3 - Fuse 3 (on fuse panel A) Overview of Fuses
SA9 - Fuse 9 (on fuse panel A) Overview of Fuses
SA10 - Fuse 10 (on fuse panel A) Overview of Fuses
T4c - 4-Pin Connector, black, electronics box in right plenum chamber, coolant Fan
T16c - 16-Pin Connector, black, on transmission control module (TCM)
T40a - 40-Pin Connector, black (Connector B), on engine control module (ECM)
T81a - 81-Pin Connector, black (Connector A), on engine control module (ECM)
V7 - Coolant Fan Locations
V51 - After-Run Coolant Pump Locations
V177 - Coolant Fan 2 Locations
(614) - Ground Connection 2 (in engine compartment, right) Overview of Ground Connections in Front Part of Vehicle
(D111) - Connection 9 (in engine compartment wiring harness)
(K21) - Connection 1 (in coolant fan wiring harness)
* - Only super hot countries
** - Relay Carrier Electronics Box (plenum chamber, left)
Previous Diagram 67/12 (Tracks 141-154)
Next Diagram 67/14 (Tracks 169-182)