Accessories and Optional Equipment: Locations
Component Locations Components For Radio And Telephone - Coupe
1. Radio, R
- In center console (Pos. 1)
2. Inside loudspeaker, center
- only BOSE-System
- in left Defroster Center Vent front window (Pos. 1)
- speaker (with Telephone)
3. Mid-Bass Speaker (Wide band speaker)
- in door trim front right, below (Pos. 2)
4. Treble Speaker
- in door trim front right, upper (Pos. 3)
5. not used
6. Telephone Microphone, R38
- behind interior light switch in roof trim (Pos. 2)
7. Treble and Bass speaker (passive)
- in rear side panel trim, right (Pos. 1)
8. Left rear Woofer/Amplifier (Radio-Bose), R44
- only BOSE-System
- below rear side panel trim, right (Pos. 1)
9. Telephone Roof Antenna
- on Roof back
10. Operating Electronics and Telephone Control Module, J412
- below rear seat bench (Pos. 1)
11. TV Antenna Amplifier 4, R85
- below rear lid trim, left (Pos. 1)
12. not used
13. Bass speaker
- only BOSE-System
- in side panel trim behind left and right (Pos. 1)
Treble and Bass speaker (active)
- in side panel trim behind left (Pos. 1)
14. CD Changer Unit, R41
- in side panel trim behind left (Pos. 1)
15. Mid-Bass speaker (Wide band speaker)
- in door trim front left, below (Pos. 2)
16. Treble speaker
- in door trim front left, upper (Pos. 3)