Headlights With High Intensity Gas Discharge (HID) Lamps
HID Headlights, Adjusting
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items needed
- VAS 5107 Optical headlight aimer
- VAS 5051 Vehicle Diagnostic Testing and Information System
- Optional: VAS 5051 Vehicle Testing and Service System
- On vehicles with HID headlights, always check, erase and then perform basic setting of fault memory before manually adjusting adjuster screws.
- Adjust headlights using detailed aiming procedure and specifications.
- Connect VAS 5051/5052 to Data Link Connector (DLC) with adapter cable as illustrated.
- Select operating mode "Vehicle Self Diagnosis".
- Select vehicle system "55 - Automatic vertical headlight aim control".
Basic setting, initiating
Indicated on VAS 5051/5052:
- From list -1- select function "04 - Basic setting".
Indicated on VAS 5051/5052:
1 - Enter display group
- Use keypad -2- to enter "001" for "Display group number 001"
- Touch -Q- key to confirm entry.
Indicated on VAS 5051:
1 - Basic setting
2 - Display group 1
3 - Wait
- Headlights are moved to adjustment position
- Wait until next display appears.
3 - Headlight adjustment
- Headlights are now in adjustment position
NOTE: Basic setting 1 deactivates control mode and "Headlights not adjusted" is entered in fault memory.
Adjustment screws on left headlight shown. Arrangement on right headlight is mirror image.
1 - Not applicable
2 - Height adjustment screw
3 - Lateral adjustment screw
- Turn adjustment screws to achieve specification
Indicated on VAS 5051:
- Touch s key to switch to display group 002.
1 - Basic setting
2 - Display group 2
3 - Control position learned
- Headlight range control module now recognizes this position as the control position
NOTE: Entry in fault memory ("Headlights not adjusted") is erased and control mode re-activated.
- End function "04 - Basic setting" by touching < key.
- Touch "06 - End output".