General Specifications
Surface Variation
Use knife-edge straightedge and feeler gauge to measure at several points.
Max. permissible distortion 0.1 mm
Reworking the cylinder head (shaving) is only permitted down to minimum dimension a.
Minimum dimension a 139.25 mm
Cylinder-to-Piston Clearance
Use internal dial indicator (50-100 mm)
Take measurements at 3 positions in both lateral direction -A- and longitudinal direction -B-
Permissible deviation from nominal dimension max. 0.10 mm
Crankshaft Journal
(in mm)
Axial clearance:
New 0.07-0.21 mm
Wear limit 0.30 mm
Check radial clearance with Plastigage TM
New 0.01-0.04 mm
Wear limit 0.15 mm
Main Bearing Cap
Torque 65 Nm plus 1/4 turn (90 degrees)
Connecting Rod Bearing
Axial clearance
New 0.10-0.35 mm
Wear limit 0.40 mm
Check radial clearance with Plastigage TM
New 0.01-0.05 mm
Wear limit 0.12 mm
Piston Ring
Push ring squarely from above down to approx. 15 mm from bottom end of cylinder. To do this use a piston without rings.
Vibration Damper/Crankshaft Pulley
Torque 25 Nm