System Specifications
Cylinder Head
Insert cylinder head bolts and tighten by hand.
Tighten cylinder head bolts in two stages in sequence shown as follows:
Stage 1 40 Nm
Stage 2 additional 180 degrees (1/2 turn)
with a rigid wrench.
Permissible to torque by 2 x 90 degrees
It is not necessary to re-tighten cylinder head bolts after repairs have been performed.
Always replace cylinder head bolts
Surface Variation
Use knife-edge straightedge and feeler gauge to measure at several points.
Max. permissible distortion 0.1 mm
Reworking the cylinder head (shaving) is only permitted down to minimum dimension a.
Minimum dimension a 139.25 mm
Camshaft Bearing Cap
Torque 10 Nm
Camshaft Gear/Sprocket
Torque 65 Nm