General Specifications
Surface Variation
Use a straightedge and feeler gauge to measure at several points.
Max. permissible distortion 0.05 mm
Cylinder-to-Piston Clearance
Use a cylinder gauge (50-100 mm)
Take measurements at 3 positions diagonally in transverse direction -A- and in longitudinal direction -B-.
Max. deviation from nominal dimension 0.08 mm
Crankshaft Journal
Axial Play:
New 0.07-0.23 mm
Wear limit 0.30 mm
Check radial clearance with Plastigage TM
Radial Play:
New 0.02-0.06 mm
Wear limit 0.10 mm
Main Bearing Cap
Torque 30 Nm + 180 degrees (1/2 turn)
Connecting Rod Bearing
Axial clearance
New 0.05... 0.31 mm
Wear limit 0.40 mm
Measure radial clearance with Plastigage TM
Radial clearance
New 0.02... 0.07 mm
Wear limit 0.10 mm
Piston Ring
Insert ring at right angle to cylinder wall from above and push down into lower cylinder opening approx. 15 mm from bottom of cylinder. To do so, use a piston without rings.
Use a feeler gauge to measure.
Vibration Damper/Crankshaft Pulley
Torque 100 Nm plus 90 degree (1/4 turn)