Timing Belt: Testing and Inspection
Toothed Belt Component Overview
Before removing ribbed belt, mark running direction with chalk or felt tip marker. A reversed turning direction can cause damage to belt under operating conditions.
1 10 Nm
2 Toothed belt cover, upper
3 50 Nm plus an additional 180° (1/2 turn)
• Use Retainer (3036) for loosening and tightening => [ Loosening camshaft sprocket ]
4 Camshaft sprocket
• When removing and installing, remove toothed belt, refer to => [ Toothed Belt ] Service and Repair
• Installed position is fixed by woodruff key => [ (Item 7) Woodruff key ]
• Camshaft sprocket, removing => [ Pulling off camshaft sprocket ]
5 10 Nm
• Insert with locking fluid
6 Rear toothed belt cover
7 Woodruff key
• Check for secure seat
8 25 Nm
9 Semi-automatic tensioning roller
10 Coolant pump
• Removing and installing, refer to => [ Coolant Pump ] Service and Repair
11 O-ring
• Replace
12 25 Nm
13 Damper roller
14 15 Nm
15 35 Nm
16 Damper roller
17 Sealing flange
• Removing and installing, refer to => [ Front Sealing Flange ] Service and Repair
18 Toothed belt gear diamond disc
• Replace after removing toothed belt gear
19 Crankshaft toothed belt sprocket
• There must be no oil on contact surface between toothed belt sprocket and crankshaft
• Only possible to install in one position
20 90 Nm plus an additional 90° (1/4 turn)
• Replace
• Do not oil
• Fastening Counter Support (3415) => [ Crankshaft toothed belt sprocket, removing
and installing ]
21 Toothed belt
• Before removing, mark direction of rotation using chalk or felt-tip marker
• Check for wear
• Removing, refer to => [ Toothed Belt ] Service and Repair
• Installing (adjusting valve timing), refer to => [ Toothed Belt ] Service and Repair
22 Toothed belt cover, lower
23 Cover for toothed belt guard
Loosening camshaft sprocket
- When loosening and tightening centered bolt, use Retainer (3036).
Pulling off camshaft sprocket
- Remove camshaft sprocket using puller (T40001 ) and Claw (T40001/6) and Claw (T40001/7).
Crankshaft toothed belt sprocket, removing and installing
- When loosening and tightening centered bolt, use Retainer (3415).