CD Changer
CD Changer
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Radio Removal Tool (T10057)
- Turn off all electrical consumers.
- Remove ignition key.
- Open glove box.
- Insert two clips on Radio Removal Tool (T10057 ) in release slits on CD Changer (R41) until they engage. Points on grip eyes face outward.
- Remove CD Changer (R41) from installation frame using grip eyes on Radio Removal Tool (T10057).
- Release connectors on CD Changer (R41) and remove.
- Remove Radio Removal Tool (T10057), push locking tabs on CD Changer (R41) to do so.
- Connect harness connector.
- Slide CD Changer (R41) into mounting frame until it engages.
- Check the wiring connection to Radio (R) (not radio generation II). Refer to => [ Radio/CD Changer Wiring, Checking, through November 2006 ] Radio System after installing.