Rear Crankshaft Main Bearing Seal: Service and Repair
Crankshaft Seal, Transmission Side
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Pulling Fixture (T10122)
• Extractor Lever (T20143/2)
• The transmission is removed.
- Vehicles with multitronic transmission: Remove damper unit. Refer to => [ Damper Unit ] Damper Unit and flywheel => [ Flywheel, Multitronic Transmission ] Flywheel, Multitronic Transmission.
- Vehicles with automatic transmission 09L: Remove drive plate. Refer to => [ Drive Plate, Automatic Transmission 09L ] Drive Plate, Automatic Transmission 09L.
- Pry out the shaft seal using Extractor Lever (T20143/2).
- Clean the running and sealing surfaces.
- Insert Assembly Device (T10122/1) onto Pull Sleeve (T10122/2) and shaft seal - A - onto pull sleeve.
- Remove Assembly Device (T10122/1).
- Install Pull Sleeve (T10122/2) with shaft seal - 1 - onto crankshaft.
- Press the shaft seal in, evenly and flush, using Pressure Sleeve (T10122/3).
Further installation is in reverse order of removal, note the following:
- Vehicles with multitronic transmission. Refer to: Install flywheel => [ Flywheel, Multitronic Transmission ] Flywheel, Multitronic Transmission and damper unit => [ Damper Unit ] Damper Unit.
- Vehicles with automatic transmission 09L: Install drive plate. Refer to => [ Drive Plate, Automatic Transmission 09L ] Drive Plate, Automatic Transmission 09L.