Compressor Drive Shaft, Loosening and Tightening
Compressor Drive Shaft, Loosening and Tightening
• Extensive preparatory work must be performed to be able to loosen compressor driveshaft (removing and installing compressor on vehicles with 8-cyl. engine), => [ Compressor, 10-Cylinder ] . (Compressor, removing and installing in vehicles with 10-cyl. engine)
• The driveshaft e.g. for vehicles with an 8-cyl. engine can also be checked and tightened without opening the refrigerant circuit.
Input Shaft, Loosening
- Remove components that prevent access to the driveshaft (Compressor, removing and installing for vehicles with an 8-cyl. engine) or => [ Compressor, 10-Cylinder ] (Compressor, removing and installing for vehicles with an 10-cyl. engine)
- Hold compressor driveshaft - A - in place using an open-end wrench and turn compressor drive unit - B - in direction of arrow - C -.
• Do not turn the driveshaft - A -.
• Driveshaft - A - can be slid into drive wheel through the boot - E - after loosening threaded connection.
• After installing the driveshaft - A -, check the grommet - E - installation position and the installed clamp.
Input Shaft, Tightening
- Hold compressor driveshaft - A - in place using an open-end wrench and turn compressor drive unit - B - in direction of arrow - D - (tightening torque 60 Nm).
- After tightening compressor driveshaft, check installation position of grommet - E - and the installed clamp.