Body - Door Cover Trim Loose/Tape Exposed
66 Exterior door cover trim loose and adhesive tape is exposed66 10 07
June 8, 2010
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 66 number 09-03 dated August 10, 2009 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
Adhesive tape for door cover trim is loose and may be visible.
Technical Background
Improper installation at the assembly plant.
Production Solution
Adhesive tape is applied using a template and improved adhesive.
1. Check all four doors for correct fit of the moldings and the adhesive tape. Only loose adhesive tape should be replaced. The entire molding does not need to be replaced for this condition.
2. Remove the door cover trim, and remove the old tape.
3. Clean the surfaces of the door and molding that will contact the adhesive tape.
4. Reinstall the door cover trim panel again without the adhesive tape, and mark the door at the top of the molding. When the adhesive tape is applied to the door, it should be applied up to this mark but not above it; otherwise, it will be visible with the molding installed. If the tape is applied too low, the molding will not make contact with it.
5. Remove the door cover trim.
6. Apply the tape to the door.
7. Clean the door between the adhesive strip and the lower door edge. Spray the outside of the door cover trim mounting holes and the door edge with D 308 SP5 A1 anticorrosion wax. This will aid in the reinstallation of the door cover trim. Take care not to get any spray on the adhesive tape.
8. Reinstall the door cover trim.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service manuals for the latest information.