MMI(R) - Software Update Information/Procedure: Overview
91 MMI High System software update (Zug 864 - update) procedure91 11 05
August 18, 2011.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 91 number 09 - 49 dated July 31, 2009 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
^ Customer may request a customer-pay MMI System Software Update.
^ Reference from a Technical Service Bulletin to perform a MMI System software update.
^ A MMI component was replaced, and it may be necessary to update all MMI modules to the same Zug level.
Technical Background
The term "Zug" (a German word for "train") is used to identify a specific combination of MMI modules according to their software versions.
For example, "Zug 317" defines the MMI module software versions of an A8 or A6 of model year 2005 after November 2004. The current model year 2009 software combination of all MMI modules in A4, A5, A6, A8, and Audi Q7 is "Zug 864."
This document describes the MMI System Software Update procedure (also called Zug Update procedure) for all MMI High-equipped models prior to model year 2009.
A6 and A8 prior to production date November 2004 may require an interim Zug update to Zug 317, as well as a Navigation DVD Update to Version 5. This is due to compatibility issues with the subsequent MMI Zug Update to Zug 864.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
The following Technical Service Bulletin may be helpful to complete this procedure:
^ TSB 2017424, 91 MMI High: Some functions unavailable after 07 - Display/control unit replacement or MMI Zug software update.
^ TSB 2011732, 00 Software Version Management (SVM), operating instructions.
^ TSB 2019927, 91 MMI Car Systems menu contains grayed out "Windows" option.
^ TSB 2020250, 91 MMI Car Systems menu does not contain the option "Instrument Cluster"
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service manuals for the latest information
Navigation DVD Version 5 Order Form