Collision Avoidance and Parking Assist Systems: Description and Operation
Lane Assist
Lane assist helps the driver keep the vehicle in its lane. If the system is in operation and the vehicle approaches a recognized boundary line and will leave the lane, the driver is notified by a vibration in the steering wheel. If the system is in operation and the turn signal is activated before driving over a recognized boundary, the warning is not given because the system assumes it is an intentional lane change.
The steering wheel is equipped with a vibration motor to create the steering wheel vibration. The vibration motor is encased in foam in the lower right spoke of the steering wheel. The steering wheel vibrations are generated by a rotating weight installed on the motor. It cannot be replaced separately. The entire steering wheel must be replaced if the vibration motor is faulty. Refer to => [ Steering Wheel with Airbag ] Steering Wheel With Airbag. The duration of the steering wheel vibration depends on the driver reaction and generally lasts about one second.
The camera and directional stabilization assistance control module (J759) are installed in one housing. The entire unit must be replaced if the camera or control module is faulty.
The directional stabilization assistance control module is installed at the center of the top edge of the windshield at the level of the interior rearview mirror. It is secured in a bracket that is bonded to the windshield.
Changes that restrict the visual area of the camera (such as applying labels or stone damage) can lead to malfunctions.
The button for the directional stabilization assistance button (E517) is integrated in the turn signal lever. Pressing the button switches the system on and off. The entire turn signal lever with the button must be replaced if the directional stabilization assistance button is faulty. .
• The message "Audi lane assist not available: no sensor range at this time" appears if the camera function is no longer available due to ongoing poor visibility of the lane lines. The following could cause this:
• The camera visual field is dirty or icy. If that is the problem, it should be corrected.
• There is condensation on the camera visual field. If this is the case, wait until the condensation disappears.
• Lane lines are not visible for an extended period of time due to road conditions (such as snow on the road surface).
If the condensation does not clear on its own or if there is heavy dirt on the inside of the lens (in the camera visual field), the camera visual field must be cleaned by hand. To do this, remove the control module and the lens screen and clean the front window using cleaning solution. Control module and lens screen, removing. Refer to => [ Directional Stabilization Assistance Control Module (J759) and Lens Screen ] Directional Stabilization Assistance Control Module (J759) and Lens Screen
The calibration must be correct for proper lane assist function.
Calibration is necessary if:
• "No or incorrect basic setting/adaptation" is stored actively in the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory.
• The directional stabilization assistance control module (J759) is replaced.
• The windshield is replaced or removed.
• The rear axle toe is adjusted.
• The vehicle suspension was changed, for example changing from standard to sport suspension.
• The vehicle level sensor on vehicles with electronic damping or air suspension was adapted
• Before calibrating the lane assist, check the DTC memory and correct any faults. To calibrate the lane assist, the vehicle driving direction must be specified and serves as the reference position for the tool (VAS 6430). The lane assist must only be calibrated using alignment equipment approved by VW/Audi. Only use the (VAS 6430) to calibrate the lane assist.