Component Overview
Component Overview
HD = High pressure side
ND = Low pressure side
1 - A/C Compressor Regulator Valve N280
- Checking activation and function 1)
2 - Compressor
- Removing compressor from bracket/reinstalling and 1)
- When installing refrigerant lines and corresponding bracket, make sure there is sufficient distance between belt, bracket and pulley.
- Type of compressor differs depending on engine (installed to right or left of engine).
- Different types of compressor are installed depending on country version (e.g. "Denso" type designation "6 SEU" for Europe and "7 SEU" for hot countries).
3 - Belt pulley/compressor drive unit to engine
- Replacing belt pulley.
- Removing and installing ribbed belt 1)
- Ribbed belt assignment.
- Checking and replacing compressor drive unit.
- A rubber element is installed between pulley/drive unit and drive shaft of compressor to protect belt/drive pinion unit in the event of compressor blockage or stiffness.
- If the compressor is not operating smoothly, the rubber element interrupts power transmission to the compressor.
- A rubber element is installed between the engine and compressor to protect the drive pinion unit in the event of compressor blockage or stiffness.
- The rubber element absorbs any vibration occurring during compressor operation (damper function in the case of torque fluctuations).
4 - Oil drain plug
5 - Pressure relief valve
6 - Circuit with valve
7 - High Pressure Sensor G65 1)
- Checking signal
8 - Condenser
9 - Closing cap
- With seal
- reinstall after using service valve
10 - Service connection
- High pressure side
- For measuring, discharging and filling
11 - Bolts in refrigerant line
12 - Restrictor
13 - evaporator
14 - Service connection
- Low pressure side
- For measurement and drainage
15 - Closing cap
- With seal
- Reinstall after using service valve
16 - Catch