Diagram 60/33 (Tracks 435-448)
This manufacturer uses "Track" style wiring diagrams.
For information on how to use these diagrams effectively, please refer to Diagram Information and Instructions. Diagram Information and Instructions
Rear Interior Lamp Switch, Left and Right Rear Interior Light, Automatic Day/Night Interior Mirror
ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
rs = pink
E6 - Rear Interior Lamp Switch
E326 - Front Interior Lamp Button
E453 - Left Rear Interior Lamp Switch 1
SB9 - Fuse 9 (on fuse panel B) Overview of Fuses
T6o - 6-Pin Connector, black (Connector B), on roof console
T12s - 12-Pin Connector, black (Connector A), on front roof console
W16 - Left Interior Light
W17 - Right Interior Light
W47 - Left Rear Interior Light
W48 - Right Rear Interior Light
Y7 - Automatic Day/Night Interior Mirror
* - Models with automatic transmission
** - Models with manual transmission
# - Not for Japan
## - Japan only
Previous Diagram 60/32 (Tracks 421-434)
Next Diagram 60/34 (Tracks 449-462)