Interior - Creaking Noises From The Dash Area
85 08 042017483/3
December 4, 2008.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 85 number 08-03 dated June 4, 2008 for reasons listed below.
Affected vehicles
70 Noises in dashboard area
Condition 1: Creaking noises from the upper air (defrost) outlet in the instrument panel.
Condition 2: Creaking noises from the right side of the instrument panel cover area.
Condition 3: Creaking noises from the right side of the upper instrument panel area.
Technical Background
Condition 1: Defroster trim creaks due to poor air outlet fit in the instrument panel.
Condition 2: The right instrument panel cover contacts the glove compartment.
Condition 3: The instrument panel contacts the windshield.
Production Solution
- Improved clips and textile wrap applied to defroster trim.
- Optimized clearance between instrument panel side cover and glove compartment.
- Foam packing applied to instrument panel to windshield point of contact.
If Condition 1 is present:
Figure 1:
Wrap textile tape around all defroster trim clips (Figure 1).
If Condition 2 is present:
Figure 2:
1. Check the position of the glove compartment and apply two pieces of felt material (533 867 910A) as shown in the illustration.
2. Spray the clips of the side cover with a Teflon based lubricant.
If Condition 3 is present:
Figure 3:
Install a foam block (20 x 50 x 6 mm, part number 443 201 365B), as shown in Figure 3.
When procedure applies to vehicles under warranty, use the table.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service manuals for the latest information.