Engine: Application and ID
Engine Number
• Engine number ("engine code" and "serial number") is located at front near crankshaft ribbed belt pulley - arrow -.
• In addition, a sticker with "engine code" and "serial number" is affixed to cylinder head cover.
• Engine codes beginning with "C" are four-digit.
• The first 3 digits of the engine code stand for displacement and the mechanical structure of the engine. They are stamped in the cylinder block, including the serial number.
• The fourth digit describes the engine output and torque and depends on the engine control module.
• Engine code is also stamped on right engine lifting eye.
• The 3-digit engine code is on the type plate.
• The 4-digit engine code is on the type plate, vehicle data label and engine control module.
• Locations of the type plate and vehicle data label.