Seat Belt Latch Function, Checking
Seat Belts, Inspecting
After every accident the seat belt system must be inspected systematically! If damage is determined when inspecting the check points, customer must be informed regarding necessity of changing belts.
Check points:
• Belt Webbing, Checking
• Retractor, Checking Locking Function
• Belt Latch, Inspecting Visually
• Belt Latch, Checking Function
• Belt Guide Rings and Locking Tongue, Checking
• Securing Components and Anchorage Points, Checking
• If customer refuses to have a damaged seat belt replaced, appropriate note should be made in service book.
Seat Belt Latch Function, Checking
Check the safety belt latch:
- Push locking tongue into belt buckle until it engages audibly. Check whether locking mechanism is properly engaged by giving belt webbing a firm jerk.
• If belt tongue fails even only once to engage properly in belt buckle during at least 5 tests, complete seat belt with belt buckle must be replaced.
Check release mechanism:
- Press the safety belt latch to release the safety belt.
- When belt is slack, locking tongue must spring out of belt buckle on its own.
• Perform test at least 5 times. If belt tongue fails even only once to spring out of buckle, complete seat belt with belt buckle must be replaced.
Under no circumstances may grease be used to eliminate noise or stiffness at belt buckle buttons.