Child Seat Anchorage, Checking Function
Seat Belts, Inspecting
After every accident the seat belt system must be inspected systematically! If damage is determined when inspecting the check points, customer must be informed regarding necessity of changing belts.
Check points:
• Belt Webbing, Checking
• Retractor, Checking Locking Function
• Belt Latch, Inspecting Visually
• Belt Latch, Checking Function
• Belt Guide Rings and Locking Tongue, Checking
• Securing Components and Anchorage Points, Checking
• If customer refuses to have a damaged seat belt replaced, appropriate note should be made.
Child Seat Anchorage, Checking Function
The entire belt system, including the B-pillar trim, must be installed for the function test.
Switching hold function on:
• Pull belt webbing out completely up to stop.
• Belt must retract with a chattering sound.
• If retracting process is stopped, belt cannot be pulled out anymore.
Switching off:
• Belt retraction to about 100 mm remaining
• Hold function must switch off with a remainder of 100 mm, at the latest. Belt functions normally again.