High Pressure Pump
High Pressure Pump
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Torque wrench (5-50 Nm) (VAG 1331)
• Tool insert, AF 17 (VAG 1331/6)
• Socket insert AF 14 (VAG 1331/8)
• The following procedure represents the removal and installation of the left high pressure pump.
• Fuel system is under high pressure! Before opening the high pressure components of the fuel injection system, the pressure must be relieved to a residual pressure. Refer to => [ High Side Fuel Pressure, Reducing ] Service Precautions.
• Then wrap a clean cloth around the connection and relieve the residual pressure by carefully loosening the connection.
• Observe safety precautions when disconnecting the battery.
- With the ignition switched off, disconnect the battery ground cable.
- Remove the rear engine cover.
- Disconnect the electrical connectors from the low fuel pressure sensor - 1 - and the fuel metering valve 2 - 2 -.
• The low fuel pressure sensor is located in the high pressure pump only through MY 2009.
- Remove both fuel line union nuts.
- Remove the bolts - 3 -.
• Do not change the angles of the high pressure lines.
- Carefully remove the high pressure pump.
- Remove the roller tappet from the cylinder head.
Installation is performed in the reverse order of removal, noting the following:
• Replace the O-ring.
- Install the roller tappet in the cylinder head.
- To set the high pressure pump in place, lift the high pressure lines only slightly.
- Install the high pressure pump in the cylinder head and tighten.
• High pressure line connections must not show any signs of damage.
• Do not change the angles of the high pressure lines.
- Hand tighten the union nuts for the high pressure lines.
- Make sure the high pressure lines are seated free of stress.
- To tighten the 14 mm diameter union nut on the high pressure line, use the (VAG 1331) with the (VAG 1331/8).
- To tighten the 17 mm diameter union nut on the high pressure line, use the (VAG 1331) with (VAG 1331/6).
- Tightening specifications, refer to => [ High Pressure Pump Assembly Overview ] High Pressure Pump Assembly Overview.
- Observe the safety precautions after connecting the battery.
- Connect the electrical connectors for the low fuel pressure sensor - 1 - and the fuel metering valve 2 - 2 -.
• Check the fuel system for leaks.