Front Axle Joints, Checking
• Perform this test with vehicle on lift (wheels hanging freely).
Tie rod ends
- Check play by moving tie rods and wheels.
• You should not feel or see any play.
- Check all around ball joint boots - arrow - for damage and correct seating. Use a mirror, if necessary.
• Ball joint boots can usually be recognized by leaking lubrication.
- Make sure lock nut - 1 - is tightened to 40 Nm.
All control arms
- Check all around ball joint boots - arrows - for damage and correct seating. Use a mirror, if necessary.
• Ball joint boots can usually be recognized by leaking lubrication.
• You should not feel or see any play.
Control Arm
- With unloaded wheels, check relative movement of wheel bearing housing to control arm.
- By raising and lowers the wheels several times by hand - arrow - the relative movement between wheel bearing housing and control arm can be observed.
- If relative movement when lifting or lowering gives evidence of play that can be felt or seen, control arm must be replaced.
Driveshaft boot
- Check all around interior and exterior driveshaft boot for damage and correct seating. Turn wheel, if necessary.
• By turning the front wheels, tears can be found in their early stages.
• Driveshaft boot damage can usually be recognized by leaking lubrication.