Wheel Hub: Service and Repair
Wheel Hub and Wheel Bearing
• During the entire work procedure, always ensure proper seating of tools and components (wheel bearing/wheel hub).
• Always place (V.A.G 1383 A) with (V.A.G 1359/2) beneath wheel bearing housing during entire procedure (danger of accident if parts fall off).
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Hydraulic Press (VAS 6178)
• Engine/Gearbox Jack (V.A.G 1383 A) with Universal Transmission Support (V.A.G 1359/2)
• Separating Tool (3 - Kukko 15/3)
• Assembly Tool (T10205) , only for rear bonded rubber bushing
• Pneumatic/Hydraulic Foot Pump (VAS 6179)
• Pliers for Circlips, 180 mm Internal Circlip (VAS 5498)
• Pressure Gauge W/Connection (VAS 6179/1) ,
Pressing Off
- Remove the drive axle. Refer to => [ Drive Axle, Bolted Inner Joint ] Drive Axle, Bolted Inner Joint.
- Remove brake caliper - 1 - and tie it with an wire - 2 - at brake line bracket - 3 -.
- Remove brake disc.
- Remove bold - 3 - and rear speed sensor - 2 -.
- Remove wiring harness from bracket - 2 -.
- Disengage parking brake cable at wheel bearing housing.
- Remove parking brake shoes.
- Install attachments (T10205/1) with wheel bolts - A - onto wheel hub.
Wheel bolts - 2 - must not protrude on rear side of (T10205/1).
- Mount tools as depicted in illustration.
1. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
2. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
3. Hydraulic cylinder (VAS 6178)
4. Gripping pieces (T10205/1)
5. Bell (T10205/2)
6. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
7. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
8. Thrust piece (T10205/3)
- Remove wheel hub while counter holding (VAS 6178).
- Remove circlip.
- Mount tools as depicted in illustration.
• Make sure that pressure piece (T10205/6) should faces toward rear final drive.
1. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
2. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
3. Hydraulic cylinder (VAS 6178)
4. Mount (T10205/4)
5. Mounting tube (T10205/5)
6. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
7. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
8. Thrust plate (T10205/6)
- Remove wheel bearing while counter holding (VAS 6178).
- Install separating tool behind bearing inner ring.
• Beveled parts of blades face inner bearing race.
1. Separating tool (3 - Kukko 15/3)
2. Bell (T10205/2)
3. Hydraulic cylinder (VAS 6178)
4. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
5. Thrust piece (T10205/3)
6. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
7. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
• When pulling off, hold tool so that the bearing inner ring points downward (danger of accident if bearing inner ring jumps off at end of pulling process).
- Pull off wheel hub from bearing inner ring.
Pressing In
• Avoid contaminating with dirt and damaging the seal when setting down/storing.
The wheel bearing - 1 - must always face up.
- Always set the wheel bearing unit down on the wheel hub - 2 -.
- Make sure that rubberized ABS sensor ring - arrow - faces toward rear final drive.
If no rubberized ring is visible, check for example with a paper clip, which of the two sides is magnetic. When installed, this must face toward rear final drive.
- Mount tools as depicted in illustration.
• Offset of thrust piece (T10205/9) must point toward wheel bearing housing.
1. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
2. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
3. Hydraulic cylinder (VAS 6178)
4. Thrust piece (T10205/7)
5. Wheel bearing
6. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
7. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
8. Thrust piece (T10205/9)
- Connect pressure gauge w/connection (VAS 6179/1) between (VAS 6178) and hydraulic line of (VAS 6178).
Pressures, described in the following, apply only to the (VAS 6178).
While pressing in, pressure reading must be between 100 and 190 bar shortly before end of pressing in.
Maximum pressure must not exceed 310 bar.
- Press wheel bearing in until stop.
- Install circlip.
- Mount tools as depicted in illustration.
• Offset of thrust piece (T10205/6) must point toward rear final drive.
1. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
2. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
3. Hydraulic cylinder (VAS 6178)
4. Thrust piece (T10205/10)
5. Threaded rod M20 (T10205/8-1)
6. Threaded nut M20 (T10205/8-2)
7. Thrust plate (T10205/6)
- Connect pressure gauge w/connection (VAS 6179/1) between (VAS 6178) and hydraulic line of (VAS 6178).
Pressures, described in the following, apply only to the (VAS 6178).
While pressing in, pressure reading must be between 30 and 100 bar shortly before end of pressing in.
Maximum pressure must not exceed 140 bar.
- Press in wheel hub until stop.
- Install the drive axle. Refer to => [ Drive Axle, Bolted Inner Joint ] Drive Axle, Bolted Inner Joint.
Install in reverse order of removal.
- Install rear speed sensor - 4 -.
- Assemble brakes.
- Install bracket - 1 - and wiring harness. Tighten the bolt - 2 - to 8 Nm.