Timing Cover
Timing Chain Upper Cover - Tightening Sequence
Tighten the bolts 1 through 5 in the sequence shown:
Tighten the bolts to 9 Nm
Timing Chain Guard Lower Section - Tightening Sequence for 15 Bolts
Tighten the bolts 1 through 15 in 2 stages in the sequence shown:
1. Tighten the bolts to 8 Nm
2. Tighten the bolts an additional 45°
Timing Chain Guard Lower Section - Tightening Sequence for 8 Bolts
Tighten the bolts - 1 through 8 - in 2 stages in the sequence shown:
1. Tighten the bolts to 4 Nm
2. Tighten the bolts an additional 45°